Scenes from the outstanding band concert last night at Heritage HS by our Heritage JH & Heritage HS bands, directed by Mr. Lee. Fantastic turnout too, thanks to everyone for attending for the rescheduled date, our kids were terrific and the music was uplifting!

Congratulations Heritage JH Boys Basketball 7th Grade team on your win Saturday vs Chrisman at IESA Regional 48-27! Chrisman was the higher seed & the Hawks played their best game of the year! The Hawks back in action in semi-final tonight vs PVO at Chrisman Scottland JH at 6pm

Heritage HS this weel News-Gazette HS Confidential
Students in Lauren Hopper’s freshman biology class investigated enzymes in fruit. Pictured: Olivia Wallace, Loran Tate, Jedidiah Nickerson and Gabi Nunez.
— Torie Rothermel

Heritage Parents are invited to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. This feedback will guide improvement as we strive to inspire each student to realize their potential through the education & opportunities we provide at Heritage Schools- https://bit.ly/3Kn3IiB

Heritage Hawks Baseball Team Shop through BSN is open, order your Hawkwear for the upcoming 2022 Spring Season! https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/sBoRv
Download the PDF Flyer here: https://5il.co/14foe

The Heritage Winter Band Concert for Grades 6-12 at Broadlands for tomorrow night has been postponed, make-up date is Wednesday January 26 at Broadlands 6pm

News Gazette HS Confidential 1/14/22
The animals science class has been learning about the different amounts of estrogen found in foods. Pictured: Maddy Mahaffey and Konner Pearman using beans to calculate and demonstrate estrogen levels in everyday foods.
— Torie Rothermel

The Heritage HS Boys Basketball game tonight at Broadlands vs. Blue Ridge will be VARSITY ONLY and will start at 6pm.

Heritage HS Boys Basketball vs Argenta-Oreana tonight at Broadlands is postponed. Heritage roster currently depleted due to confirmed case & players home with symptoms. Make up date TBA. JH Boys Basketball also canceled tonight & tomorrow night due to cases at Chrisman schools

Heritage HS Senior Torie Rothermel (Class of 2022) is featured today in the News-Gazette as she is our High School Confidential Reporter this school year!

Heritage K-12 December 2021 Perseverance Awards & Jr High Students of Month

Hope everyone has had a great break and wanted to update you on the schedule as we come back.
Monday, January 3rd - Teacher Institute (NO Student Attendance)
Tuesday, January 4th - Students who missed Thursday, December 16th will take 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th hour finals. All other students will study for 3rd, 4th and 7th hour finals.
Wednesday, January 5th - All students will take 3rd, 4th and 7th hour finals. Day will end with an assembly and class meetings.
Thursday, January 6th - Second semester classes will begin.

Heritage K-12 Schools at Homer and Broadlands will be closed on Friday, December 17th by CUPHD Waiver due to COVID and Quarantine Case Numbers at both schools. HS Finals make-up dates are TBA and will be announced. K-12 students will return on Tuesday, January 4th 2022

Heritage HS FFA's December 2021 Monthly Newsletter is available to download and read here: https://5il.co/138le. Read about their latest activities & achievements including National Convention, 3 Top Ten finishers at Parkland contests, and World Kindness Day initiatives.

We had a special Guest Reader at Heritage Elementary for the Christmas Season! The students are all on the nice list according to our special guest!

Congratulations Zach Ruwe of Heritage HS being named News-Gazette All-area Honorable Mention Cross Country for Fall 2021 season.
HERITAGE — Zach Ruwe (Soph.).

Thank you & congratulations to our 8th Grade Boys Basketball parents and their players on 8th Grade Night at Homer last night 12/13 vs ALAH!

Due to current determination of cases with CUPHD, the Heritage High School Boys Basketball Team will be pausing all team activities through the week ending 12/18/2021 and a return date for team activities will be determined with CUPHD following "Return to Play" guidelines. The scheduled Varsity/Junior Varsity games at Tuscola HS on Tuesday 12/14/2021, at home against Arthur Christian HS on Friday 12/17/2021, and a Freshman game at Salt Fork on Saturday 12/18/2021 are all cancelled. We will determine possible make-up dates in discussion with the opposing schools.

Terrific week of music at Heritage Schools. Thursday the K-5 Winter Concert, fantastic turnout and great job by the kids, thank you parents and grandparents, and Sunday night Grade 7-12 Choral Concert. Thank you to Director Justin Lee and Asst Director & Accompanist Angie Ruwe!

Thank you News-Gazette Sports & Colin Likas for the Heritage HS Volleyball recognition this weekend. Congratulations to the Heritage team for #8 finish in the area, Bri Struck First Team All Area (!!), & Honorable Mention All Area Torie Rothermel, Kiley Knoll, and Mary Roland!