Two years later than expected, they made it! Our Heritage HS group in Washington DC this week. Thank you chaperones & Mr. Sorensen for the early AM airport run.

Heritage HS Bass Fishing takes 2nd Place at Maroa-Forsyth Invitational at Clinton Lake this weekend, Drew Williams pictured at the awards ceremony, 58 teams and Heritage came in with 14.37 pounds!

Heritage HS News Gazette High School Confidential March 18, 2022
Science club and FFA members competed at Envirothon. — Torie Rothermel

Heritage Post Prom Trivia night March 19, 2022. This is a fundraiser for 2022 Post Prom on April 23, 2022. Trivia Night is at Heritage High School, Broadlands, IL. Refreshments will be available. Doors open at 6pm & the event starts at 6:30PM. https://bit.ly/3CtJikx

Check out the latest Heritage High School FFA & Agriculture Program Monthly Newsletter & a great article in the News-Gazette about the Golden Chicken Award and everything from FFA Week last month! https://bit.ly/3HWNURo

Heritage JH 8th Grade Hawks Volleyball at IESA Regional vs Philo St.Thomas this morning at Chrisman

Heritage HS hosting IHSA Solo & Ensemble today at Broadlands, many entries especially for Heritage Music.Senior Brodie Meneely on Tuba in Low Brass performance. So great to see events returning to normal!

Congratulations to our Heritage JH & Elementary PBIS Achievers for March 4, 2022!

Heritage HS News-Gazette Confidenrial March 4, 2022: Every year during National FFA Week, classes compete in Ag Olympics. The seniors were awarded the golden chicken after taking first place.— Torie Rothermel

Heritage Junior High Hawks 7th Grade Volleyball at IESA Regional at Chrisman tonight, Hawks taking on Champaign Next Gen

Heritage Junior High Scholastic Bowl home opener today vs Georgetown-Ridge Farm this afternoon. Hawks up in the first Varsity match to start the '22 season

Heritage 2021-2022 Text Calendar has been updated reflecting the use of emergency snow days during February 2022 & corresponding date changes plus the date/time for 8th Grade Promotion. Download pdf version of this update here: https://5il.co/16due

Next Week, Heritage K-12 Spring 2022 Parent-Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be reaching out to parents/guardians & you can also schedule through the main office(s) or with teacher(s) by e-mail or phone. After school & evenings March 7-10. No School Friday, March 11.

Heritage Schools March 2022 Events & Lunch Calendars
March 2022 Events Calendar https://5il.co/169je
March 2022 Homer Lunch Menu https://5il.co/169jc
March 2022 Broadlands Lunch Menu https://5il.co/169jd

Heritage HS
News Gazette HS Confidential this week:
Drew Williams used a CNC Router in shop class, taught by IT teacher Scott Gerard, to create a wooden Major League Fishing logo.
— Torie Rothermel

Heritage HS Parents, we need your feedback, this career survey will take 5-7 minutes, which will help our EFE #330 Early College & Career programs better serve our students. Districts are gathering feedback from students, parents, and employers. Visit https://bit.ly/35oi1Do

Heritage HS
News Gazette HS Confidential
Members of the chorus perform the national anthem before the Senior Night boys’ basketball game against Cerro Gordo/Bement on Feb. 8.
— Torie Rothermel

IHSA Boys Basketball Class 1A Tourney opener with an afternoon game at Tuscola today, Hawks vs Warriors in the first round

Heritage K-12 Schools & Spectrum Pre-K will be closed Friday February 18. School will resume Tuesday February 22 after the President's Day holiday Monday. An updated annual calendar will be posted next week reflecting the use of the Emergency Days this month with new end of year

7:15pm Heritage update 2/17/2022: February & Mother Nature have not been kind to education the last 2 weeks. Out driving now to evaluate & consulting with other Superintendents by phone & texts.Checking latest forecasts. Wind, ice, & blowing snow still an issue. Stay tuned...